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Report of ESDaP Psychodermatology Meeting in 22nd EADV Congress, October 2nd, 2013 Istanbul, Turkey

By October 2, 2013June 14th, 2024No Comments

ESDaP (European Society of Dermatology and Psychiatry held its sub-specialty meeting on October 2nd in Istanbul, Turkey. The meeting was well attended by Psychodermatologists around the world. The meeting was co-chaired by Uwe Gieler (Germany) and Francoise Poot (Belgium). Speakers discussed various aspects of Psychodermatology. Uwe Gieler (Germany) discussed various skin picking syndrome. N.A Kucukunal (Turkey) presented her finding from a study on sexual dysfunction in genital warts. S. Morran Moya (Spain), discussed the impact of itch on quality of life. Katlein Franca (United States) discussed psycho-oncology of skin and presented an interesting talk on psychological impact of skin cancer. Ilknur Altunay (Turkey) presented the comparative findings of psychogenic itch and fibromyalgia syndrome and another presentation on Skin as mirror of mind. M. Garcia Bestinduy (Spain) presented her findings on psychological aspects of Rosacea. Elizabeth Ogden (UK) discussed the quality of life and self image in patients with hair loss. The meeting was followed by lively discussion.

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